Who We Are

We are a team of women committed to change and transformation. We found each other through our common vision, inspired by our uncommon backgrounds. Together we are stronger than alone, and we recognize this as elemental to women and our movement. We support, drive, challenge, agree, disagree, and motivate each other constantly to do better and be better. What we have found together has been so powerful, we cannot help but want to bring it to everyone.



To create a new model for women and horses grounded in “How Women Do It.” 


To harness the power of women to create a new transformational space for women and their horses. In a collaborative effort, we will challenge old perspectives and invite women to explore a greater connection to their energy, skill sets, and confidence to enhance our personal journeys with ourselves and our horses.




Truth, honor, reliability, and an unwavering moral compass guide each of us through all of our actions. We strive to uphold the highest standard of behavior with each and every person and horse we interact. We lead by example making this virtue so desirable that it compels our community to seek the same level of connection in all of their interactions.



To lead a balanced life is to be constantly in flux. We seek this dynamic equilibrium of the human body, mind, and spirit with poise, perspective, support from one another, making our self-care priority so that we can be our best selves for our people and horses, allowing and encouraging others to do the same.


Kindness, care, and concern are at the heart of who we are and what we represent. We give space to others, seeking perspective first, listening and learning, in the hopes that through understanding and working together, we heal and grow together.



At the heart of all happiness is some sort of playfulness. While we dabble in the serious, we are at the core full of play, fun, self-expression, and laughter. We use play and humor to connect and enjoy, as well as to relieve pressure, renew perspective, and express love and kindness. Our playful spirit is elemental to who we are and our desire is to infect you with it, too.


Expertise, skill, experience, and an unending desire to learn more, we perform in the most professional manner possible. Our conduct is guided by our ethics, in who we are and everything we do. Our standards are high, for ourselves, our company, and everyone we engage, making work with us reliable and consistent.



We are for you, on your side, in your corner, no matter your status or any other detail that has kept you from feeling included in the past. We make this model available to everyone we can reach and strive to create a culture of inclusion that becomes contagious. Finding a place where one truly belongs is what we desire…for ourselves and everyone we meet.


“We say women “do” horses differently from men and that as a result, we need a new model. The six C’s are the model: confidence, connection, communication, commitment, community, and culture. The Science of Confidence and Connection for Horsewomen clinic proved to us that those two “c’s” are critical. But then Sinead asked, “How do we include in our model the ‘high performance relationship?…’” — Jenny R. Susser, PH.D.